
Dragon View Snes Walkthrough

Shadowrun (SNES). The mysterious Drake is in reality a dragon with a secret lair located in a volcano. Main article: Shadowrun (SNES)/Walkthrough.

Publisher: KemcoDeveloper: Infogrames
Reviewer: Dancin' HomerReleased: 1991
Gameplay: 86%Control: 80%
Graphics: 79%Sound/Music: 78%
Story: 68%Overall: 75%

Long ago, Kemco created an SNES game entitled Drakkhen. It was not a success, but it did teach the people of Kemco a valuable lesson. Namely, it taught them never to try anything new until you've perfected it. The game failed due to a very weak plot, a semi-automatic battle system, and an attempt at 3D gameplay that was just terrible. These fine programmers learned from their mistakes, however, and decided to give the game another shot in the form of Drakkhen 2: Dragon View.

The isle of Drakkhen was a land of peace, but it was not always so. There was a time when humans were subject to the might of the dragon lords, who stole the eight Drakkhen tears from the humans. These jewels gave their owner the right to rule the isle, and if it weren't for four brave warriors who captured the precious gems from the reptilian claws of the dragon princes, mankind would have been doomed.

In the town of Rysis, there lives a young man named Alex, and all is well in his life. He shall soon marry his love, Katarina, and he will then be able to live happily ever after, in spite of his prophesied fate. He is the direct ancestor of the hero of the past who claimed the Drakkhen tears for the humans, and he is destined for calamity. It would seem that he has dodged fate, but then, a mysterious wizard kidnaps Katarina as part of some larger, more sinister plot. Fierce demons suddenly roam the land in far greater numbers than before. Begin your quest to save not only the world, but your love.

The shower head was rubbish and it never really felt like you could get enough water. Cirque The shower was terrible in our room.

Many aspects of Drakkhen 2 are similar, if not identical to, those of Drakkhen. Movement takes place in a near 3D overworld as you travel to towns and dungeons. The overworld is almost exactly like that of the original Drakkhen, but the island is no longer shaped like a square and mountain ranges are spread throughout it all in order to impede your progress.

The dungeons have much less exploration to them, and this is due to the way that the battles have been altered. All fighting, towns, and dungeons have something of a fighting game look to them, in which your character can maneuver in order to dodge enemy attacks or let loose one of your own, using a sword, hauza, bow, or any other item that you pick up. This game is much more action-based than the original, and this means far fewer puzzles to solve and items to pick up.

Each enemy uses a unique battle pattern, and although it isn't recommended, you can defeat any foe in the game if you can just learn how not to be hit by it (You will only do one HP of damage to it with each hit, but the experience will be worth it). This also means that much more skill is needed to complete this game than was needed in the original.

Magic is gained by finding mystic items and using them like you would any other item. A life bar represents your HP, and the only way to increase it is to find heart containers. MP is shown by a group of stars, and finding star containers increases this. In dungeons, all enemies will be set in each room, while on the world map, enemies are represented by clouds of smoke that charge at you, and once you touch it, the screen changes to a battle arena.

As for the world map, let me just say that the layout is almost exactly the same. Many secret areas have been added, but these are very easy to find and merely make it harder to find where you want to go, because many areas of the game look exactly alike. Another bad point is that they completely removed the sunrises and sunsets, giving you only a pitch-black sky. Although the concept of time passing in the original wasn't very phenomenal, I thought it added a nice touch to it.

There are many more areas to explore and quests to do, so I suppose there were some improvements to the game. Although I enjoyed many of the things in the original that were removed, I can honestly say that the action in this game almost makes up for it, and the game itself is pretty addictive. Gameplay gets an 86%.

The graphics in the game were better than those of the original, but not much. The overworld still looks like it was made by a drunken preschooler, and although it's still kind of funny to laugh at, the joke gets old after a while. The backgrounds in the dungeons are far less original, but far better quality. There have been better games, but some of these places still look very well made.

The enemies also followed the same tried-and-true pattern, and while we no longer find bizarre freaks of computer-generated nature, we do get some impressive looking trolls and lizards. As for your character's appearance, I have good news, bad news, and worse news. Your character is much larger and detailed than before (Good news), but he doesn't change when you get new equipment any more (Bad news). This is only because they almost completely removed equipment from the game (Worse news). You can find power up items for your gear that changes the color of it, but it's hardly a fair trade.

Finally, I just have to complain about the loss of the sun, one of the best graphical pieces of the original. While this game has its ups and downs, it gets a 79% for Graphics.

I personally loved the music of Drakkhen, and I hoped that its sequel would have the same feeling that the original did. Sadly, the game disappointed me. Admittedly, there was a nice variety, but not one of them was above your average RPG filler. I felt robbed. If Kemco had just included the Night in the Arctic theme, or even the music you hear in the swamp, I would have been relieved, but that was sadly not to be.

As for the sound effects, they were above average, but I still wish that the music had been improved. No amount of explosions, decent or not, could make up for what was missing, but I suppose I'm just biased after playing the original. Sound/Music gets a 78%, and I still feel that I'm being generous.

The plot of Drakkhen 2 was nothing more than the usual save-the-princess story that we've heard thousands of times, and although the story of the original was not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, I still preferred it to the sequel's plot. It was delivered in an original way, using a narrator's assistance instead of just talking to people, and the game flows like a fairy tale at times, but it's still not very good.

Delivery was the biggest problem in the original, and I think Kemco might just want to give the game another shot. The plot wasn't that great, so if that's what you're looking for in an RPG, I suggest you steer clear of this one. Storyline gets a 68%.

The issue of control is one that's hard to decide upon. In battle, I can't complain at all when it comes to the responsiveness of it, but there was little variety when it came to techniques for you to use. On the world map, I couldn't help but be bothered by the way you get caught on corners and repeatedly bump into trees, but the dungeons were done flawlessly. This game has strengths and weaknesses, so I give it a balanced 80% for Controls.

Many parts of this game were improved upon from the original, but the game itself is far too average to stand out in a crowd. It has few glaring weaknesses, but there is absolutely no reason for me to ever really want to play this game again, and I don't think any of you will either.

There isn't even that big of a difficulty rating to it due to the ease of training (Head to the swamps as soon as you can for the easiest levels you'll ever see, if you can just figure out how the enemy attacks you) and the lack of difficult bosses, and so, Drakkhen 2: Dragon View gets a 75% Overall.


Alex trains hard so that he may defeat any evil.

The world map is made totally of polygons, just as in the first game.

Dragon View - Walkthrough/FAQ -Drakkhen 2: DRAGON VIEW-Walkthrough by Jerrold Ng -Contents-1. At The Beginningb. A Very Hot Placec. A Very Cold Placed. The Sea of Sande. A Very Wet Placef.

Into The Underworldg. Controls-Direction Keys - Moves character aroundY Button - Attacks with your equipped weaponB Button - Jump in dungeons, select options elsewhereA Button - Use equipped items in dungeons, cancel optionselsewhereX Button - Use the Desperation Attack 'Serpent Slasher',will drain some life. Only after learning secretsof the sword (see walkthrough).L Button - Does nothingR Button - Views map when travelling around the islandStart Button - Pauses the game; views inventory screenSelect Button - Does nothing-2.

At The Beginning-You begin the game at Rysis, training. A girl, Katarina, rushes toyou and tells you her grandfather Qunos has gone to 'The Arsenal'and hasn't returned - off you go on your first quest. You'll get amap, but you won't use it yet.At the arsenal, just beat the lone green troll and walk up.

Chatwith Master Qunos, and you'll find out that Katarina is in danger.You'll immediately return, and meet Argos, one of the main henchmenof the game's villain. You can't do anything here, just follow thescene. After all that, talk to everyone in Rysis to get somebeginner's advice, save the game at the temple if you want, thenleave.Now you get to use the map - press R button in the world scene,and choose the map you want to view (there's only one at themoment) and press the B button to view it. You'll notice anothertown, Hujia, the arsenal, Galys pass, and another cave. First headto arsenal to pick up your other weapon, the Hauza. Then, head toRysis. Talk to a guy named Randy and you'll find out Galys passis blocked by boulders.

Also note the chests in his room. Youwon't be able to open them until much later. Head to Tylon'sbombs, talk to the fat woman in the front, and she'll let you in.Talk to Tylon, and he'll tell you to get some dynamite for him.He'll also give you a key.

Head off to the cave in the southeast.Your first dungeon awaits!Storage - A very easy dungeon (what do you expect? It's the firstone!). You definitely won't get lost here, just follow the path,sic the monsters, and you'll eventually reach your first boss,Pierca.Treasures:Boss: PiercaSimple enough. Just move and down and hit him as you move.

Heshould have a tough time injuring you!Once defeated, take the dynamite in the next room (looks likea crate) and the potion and return to Hujia. Chat with thefat woman to get a map, then chat with Tylon, then go to theshop, go back, and pick up your bombs. Incidentally, there's acloaked merchant hanging around just below Tylon's shop. He'lloffer to sell you something for 200 Jade. It's a heartcontainer, which increases your max HP.

He'll disappear, andthe next time you enter the screen a woman will tell you he isin Casdra.The merchant always wanders around these three towns: Hujia,Casdra, Miraj. Every time to you buy the container from him hegoes to the next respective town, and his price will go upby 100 or 200 Jade. It's important to hunt him down once yougot the cash to buy his heart container, you'll need each andevery one he sells!Now head to Galys pass in the northeast, and climb your wayup. Again, no surprises here, but try hitting a tree hereand there for fruit, which you can sell to shopkeepers fora Jade each - but keep some - they have other uses later.b. A Very Hot Place-First, head northwest till you reach the town of Casdra.Talk to everyone in town.

There's a woman who wants tobuy your pendant - don't sell it! I don't think you can,anyway, it's an important quest item. Also, there's agirl who tells you that she hid her father's bow inthe north cave. Go pick it up.

Whether you choose togive it back to the father isn't important - you'll getto keep the bow either way.If you enter the house whose door is marked by a star,you'll find out that the path to Kiere temple, your nextdestination, is blocked by ice. You'll need the ring offire! Talk to the townsfolk and you'll find out about a mannamed Rodister who knows a bit about Cave of Fire, which iswhere the ring is located. Now head southeast for a whileuntil you get to the lake area (you should have a map ofthe place given by a man in Casdra). Go to Rodister's cave(it's not hard to miss - there's only one cave here!). Chatwith Rodister and you find out you'll need Serpent Scalesfrom Master Qunos. Yep, time to trek all the way back toRysis!

Take the potion and the crystal from the chestbefore you go.On your way back, explore the caves of Galys pass ifyou haven't done so already - there's a nice littleshortcut and a little bonus here. Once you get toRysis, chat with old master Qunos to get the SerpentScales. If you talk to Damme, he'll tell you abouta tablet with the secrets of the sword.

Go look forthat now - head southeast after leaving Galys pass,and you should find a hollow three stump - go in,pass a few rooms, and examine the tablet to get thepowerful 'Serpent Slasher' - just press X to performit. Warning: it drains some life! Use it foremergencies only!Go to the fire caves, located just south of Casdra.You know you're in the right place when the groundstarts turning red and the music changes.

It's agood idea to fight the monsters around here forexperience before heading in.Fire Caves - The monsters here are tough, but thedungeon itself is somewhat simple. Just remember touse your serpent scales! When you find a largefurnace, remember that you can only put it out bysnuffing the base of the flames.

Nothing verychallenging. Until you reach the boss, Efreet.Boss: EfreetYour first tough opponent - this guy will kill youif you're not careful! The strategies are similarto that of Pierca's; just move up and down toavoid the flames and that killer shoulder charge,and hit him when you get a chance. This guy canreally damage, so try not to get hit too often.After you defeat him, you'll pick up the fire ringin the next room.

Back to Casdra!c. A Very Cold Place-After chatting to the temple guardian in Casdraagain, he'll let you through into the warp room.Enter the warp and you'll end up in the icymountain of Kiere. Wander around the map a littleto find a wandering healer, and a guy who willupgrade your ice ring to level two - if you arehigh-leveled enough. Of course, you don't havethe ring yet, so ignore him for now.

Your mainaim is the cave on the upper right of the map. Ifyou leave the map from the upper right you'll findanother guy who will upgrade your ice ring - butyou'll need to be even higher in levels. Okay, offto the ice fortress.Ice Fortress - The monsters here definitely gettougher - ice golems are especially dangerous,since you usually fight them on icy floors, whichmake maneuvering difficult. You'll get your firsttaste of the extremely annoying feature of thisgame - one way doors. Picking the wrong door willsend you right back a few screens, and you'llhave to do the rooms again.

And it will get worselater in the game! Also, when you spot a clusterof ice pillars, melt them with your fire ring.A pit is usually hidden behind them, so jump down.You'll eventually find yourself facing anotherfamiliar-looking boss.Boss: Ice DemonDoes more damage than the Efreet obviously, butthe same tactics will get you pass here.

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The firering does wonders if you can hit him with it.Once he's down, head past him and pick up the icering. Now enter though the next door and you'llbe right back at the start! Don't worry, the frontdoor will open, and a 'young' priest named Cliff willpop out (how many young priests have white beards,anyway?). You'll now have access to the warp thatwill take you to the next area of the map, and KiereTemple.

Head off to the temple.Inside, go up the first door to save and heal, thenback down and right to continue. Talk to everyoneto find out about Giza, the High Wizard and the PrimeOrb. After a couple of wimpy monsters, you'lleventually meet Giza, the main villain of the game.He'll really rough you up; then Argos calls him awayand you'll be healed by the High Wizard (so he isn'tafter all).

Now, go through the door behind the HighWizard and, after a few screens, you will meet DoctorMethraton. He'll explain some stuff about dragon lords,and you will get your new quest: to unearth thetemple of Ortah. Check the orbs around him for somemiscellaneous info.d. The Sea of Sand-After getting the map for the desert area in theeast, you'll have to take a long, long trek overthere.

Before you enter the desert however, checkthe place marked on the map as the Falls. You'llfind yourself looking at a waterfall - walk in andpick up the lightning ring. It's gonna be veryimportant near the end of the game.In the desert map, there's a spot marked by a cross.You can't do anything here yet, so don't bother.Head to the cave marked in the map.Inside, examine the orb for a clue, then head intothe door on the furthest right. Ignore the lionstatues, then enter the next room, and drop intothe quicksand. Follow the path and you'll eventuallymeet a cloaked man who will clue you on how to getpass the quicksand room. Leave and return to thedesert.Proceed to the mountains in the north.

Keep fightingmonsters here until a red-colored sandworm appears.Kill him and you'll get the horn. It's easy to spothim, by the way - he's the only monster cloud thanruns away from you instead of running towards you!Back into the quicksand cave, go to the room withthe lions and blow the horn. Now quicksand in thenext room will stop, and the door will be open.Proceed to Miraj.In Miraj, you'll encounter the Merchant again ifyou bought heart containers from him twice.

Ifyou've got the jade, I suggest buying another. Talk tothe women in town and then talk to Yuna, the headpriestess. She's in one of the houses.

She will tellyou that demons have invaded their temple (it's tobe expected; wandering around an empty temple isboring, right? Now talk to another woman, Ruth,in another house to get a key.

Use it on the housewith the locked door. You'll end up in anotherdungeon.Underground - Even more one-way doors, this dungeonis designed to drive you nuts! But it's not too badif you explore a little. Use the horn whenever you seetwo lion statues - that will open a nearby door.After a while of exploring, you will find the scoreneeded to unearth Ortah Temple.Now back to quicksand cave. AS soon as you leave thecave, notice you are standing on a star. Blow yourhorn now, and a new road will appear.

Follow theroad and you'll eventually find Ortah Temple - it'swhat looks like a brick on the ground. Just walk toit and it will open up.Ortah Temple - Another annoying dungeon filled withone-way doors and pretty tough monsters. There's alsoplenty of quicksand pits you'll need to drop into, andloads of rather dangerous traps you'll need to avoid.And to top it off, an annoying boss!Boss: JokerThis boss moves a lot, and has a real longreach with that yo-yo of his.

No real tips here, justkeep moving and keep hitting.After clearing the boss, you'll eventually reach thefirst four of the eight dragon lords. Chat with themand you'll get your task - Sektra Temple, in the swampsnorth of the lake area. Before you go there however,go back to the cross on the desert map, and you'llfind a lion statue. What are you waiting for? Blow yourhorn! Underneath, you will find a very useful magicmirror. In battle, use it to create a magic shieldcosting three magic points.

On the map, look forlarge blue triangles, and use the mirror there towarp to secret locations.e. A Very Wet Place-Sektra Temple is surrounded by water, so you won't beable to reach just yet. Look nearby for a tree stumpnearby. You can upgrade you lightning ring here. It'svital - you must upgrade your ring. Instead, headnorthwest through a small valley to reach the villageof Orusort.

Again, talk to everyone in town. A professorwill tell you about a device that will allow you to crossthe waters around Sektra Temple. Also, there's a womannamed Setia who will tell you about his husband-to-beFess who is mining in the Jade mine. Now, head northto reach the mine.Jade Mine - After talking to a miner, you'll find outthat you have to blow holes in the floor with your bombto get anywhere.

Problem is, you'll have to know whichcrack on the floor to blow up - and there are plentyto choose from! If you did pick the right ones, you'lleventually find Fess the miner. Chat with him and he willturn into a monster and attack you; he's a wimp. Beathim and he'll turn back to normal, and start lamentingand all that. After a while he'll let you into thenext room.Boss: Evil Voice?This guy is actually a wimp.

Just keep moving, the Hauzais the weapon of choice. At least he's not as annoyingas this dungeon is!After defeating him, in the next room you'll seethree statues and three paddles. Press the centerpaddle, the left, then the right, to switch on themachine. Now, return to Sektra Temple.

A bridge oflight will get you across the waters.Sektra Temple - The temple of water. You'll have usethe ice ring to freeze the waters here so you can walkacross them. There are also fountains which you haveto freeze to form steps to higher areas. Other thanthat, there's nothing really tricky about this dungeon.Until you meet the boss, that is.Boss: Sea SerpentTough!

He jumps around a whole lot, and breaths water atyou. Keep to your sword, and use your ice ring to slowhim down. You will need to be pretty high-leveled tohave a chance.After that, you'll meet the last four dragon lords,and they will turn your pendant Guardrak into theSoldrak (where do they get these names?).

Now head backto Hujia. Talk to everyone to learn about themysterious sickness, and go look for Randy. Get thechests in the back room of his home.

You'll get afairy statue and a map. The dragon lords will informyou about the location to the underworld. Now headback through Galys Pass, and head to the extremeSoutheast. You will eventually find the ruined townof Nell.f. Into the Underworld-Head to the furthest right house. It will be empty.However, try to leave, and two girls will appear.They tell you their grandfather Ogma (the person youare looking for) is stuck in the well. They'll alsotell you a tree stump connects to the well.

So headNorthwest into the stump.Well - Surprisingly, this dungeon is relativelysmaller than the last few you've tackled, but there'squite a bit of those infamous one way doors, not tomention some difficult jumps that will send you rightback to the start if you miss. Annoying, but not toohard.You'll eventually reach the old man Ogma and take himback to Nell. He will awaken the fairy, 'Blessing', andtell you a little something about the woodland guardianand the Forest of Illusion, another staple huge,impossible maze that seem to appear in every rpgnowadays. Incidentally, you're about to tackle a fewtough dungeons in a row, so make sure you're prepared.Forest - Use Blessing at every screen and she will leadyou through the right path. The large cyclops here arevery dangerous - not only they are hardy, they hitpretty hard too. You will eventually reach the woodlandguardian, and free her with your pendant.

Next up isthe mountains area. Remember her tip - use a leveltwo lightning spell by holding down the A button. Itcan shatter any boulder that blocks your way.The rainy mountains contain some really tough monsters;a good place to train yourself. And you will need training.Your next 'dungeon' awaits in the nearby cave.Mountain - This mountain trek isn't nearly as annoying asthe last few. What is annoying is that you will have togo through it three times! Check the caves for a heart andstar container.

Incidentally, for really foggy caves, lowerthe brightness of your TV or computer to see pits andcracks for you to bomb. Once you get to the top cave, acloaked guy (what is with all these cloaked strangers inthis game?) will tell you that you can't pass withoutfire boots, located below the rainy mountain area.Now trek all the way back down.Once you're back, check the map and you'll notice a crosson the map. Go there, and walk into the colored boulderbreak through. Walk in and look around for the fire boots,their not too hard to find.Now go back through then mountains AGAIN. Back in the cave,you can now walk on fire. This dungeon has the same old,annoying one-way doors, and really tough monsters.

You willbe meeting lots of Piercas and Efreeti, but they should besimple to handle now. This dungeon is very long, but atleast there's no actual boss for you to fight. After a longjourney, you'll meet Argos, who will ironically get killedby a wimpy lackey. He will then have a change of heart andcreate a healing circle (which also let's you save thegame). This is the last save game spot before the finaldungeon!g. At The End-Before you tackle the final dungeon, you may realize thatthe caves take you to another exit south of the desert(try pushing a statue.). This is a good time to travelaround looking for secret caves - every map has some ofthem.

Also, buy as much heart containers from the wanderingmerchant too. Make sure you get the maximum items you cancarry. And get tons of experience while you're at it. Youwill need it, trust me.Once you're done, proceed past Argos' healing circle andand you'll eventually end up at the entrance to theunderworld.

So, what are you waiting for?The underworld is an area you will have to figure outwithout a map - but don't worry, it's pretty obviouswhere you've got to go, since it's the only place youcan enter! Incidentally, go fight the monsters wanderingaround here - you'll need the experience.Castle - As you might expect, this is the most difficultdungeon of the game.

Very tough monsters wander here! Also,there's plenty of those ever so annoying one way doors.However, the most irritating bits are the jumping parts.The wavering effects make it hard to jump properly, andsince they are usually one above the other in floors, missone jump and there's a good chance you'll fall two or threefloors straight down to where you started. Tossing in theirritating flying reapers, and you've got one frustratingdungeon. But persevere, and you'll reach the end, and meetGiza for the final battle.Boss: GizaHe's actually not too difficult, since his attacks aresomewhat easy to avoid. But be careful if you do get hit- the damage he does is unbelievable!

Keep a potion handy.Move up and down, and when he starts shooting flames, runbehind him and hit. Mind you, he also has really powerfularmor, so this fight will definitely take a while.Once the battle is over, Giza's dead sister Sara will appear,and after a long talk, Katarina will appear, and you'll bothescape with the prime orb. Be prepared for the longest creditscrolling scene ever, and some majorly cheezy ending afterthat!

Well done!-3. PAR Codes-I'm not really into cheating, but I guess this game is somewhattough, so here are some codes that I have discovered that mighthelp you out.7E7095FF7E7096FF7E7097FF- Gives you enough experience to reach master level (abovelevel 45) in one fight.7E21257E213325- Gives you infinite jade. WARNING: do not save your game withthis code on or your save game will be deleted!7E212305- Gives you five keys - enough to clear all the dungeons7E210101- Gives you a bomb, useful in the Jade Mine!7E211A0x7E211B0x- Your sword level - x can be 0 to 57E21200x7E21210x- Your armor level - x can be 0 to 57E211C0x7E211D0x- Your Hauza level - x can be 0 to 5-4. Acknowledgement- Myself, for playing such an old game that most peoplewould have forgotten about- Kemco, for making a truly original game (are they stillaround??)-Drakkhen 2: Dragon's View is a copyright of Kemco and Infogrames.