
Centipede And Millipede Extermination

The word 'centipede' comes from the Latin prefix centi-, meaning 'hundred,' and pedis, meaning 'foot.' Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354. Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs, which means no species has only 100 legs as the name suggests.

Not to be confused for its centipede cousin, the millipede is one of those varmints that looks creepy but is more annoying than harmful (that is, unless it gets right in your face). These arthropod pests possess a super long body with tons of little legs. To understand if you have a millipede problem, check to see for a couple of things: 1) if its long body is subcylindrical (i.e. it’s rounded out at each end); 2) if there are two pairs of legs on each side of the body; 3) if it’s moving very slowly and burrowing. If so, then it’s a millipede. However, if the body is flat, there’s one set of legs on each side, there’s long antennae at each end, and it’s moving fast, then you’ve just met its cousin the centipede!

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(PS: if you ever wanted to know the answer to the ever-asked question, “How many legs does a millipede have?” it’s 750.)

While they are not nearly as poisonous to humans as the centipede is, the millipede does possess glands that contain an irritant fluid made of hydrochloric acid which can trigger skin allergies and allergic reactions in certain people, and even long-term skin discolouration. Definitely don’t touch a millipede with your bare hands if this sounds like you!

Millipedes are not the most dangerous varmints, but they’re not something you’d want hanging out in your home by any means. This is because damp wood and other decaying matter that coincidentally is what most houses in Vancouver are made out of are the millipede’s favourite foods. Mulch, damp leaves, firewood, and other naturally decaying plant-based materials also count as staples in the millipede’s diet.

You can usually tell if you have an infestation by observing them moving from one part of shelter to the next. Look in areas such as your garage, shed, and basement if you suspect an infestation has been or is taking place. If so, give your local Pest Boss a call and we can exterminate them. We’ll get you, varmints!

Having Centipede or Millipede problems? Seeing one or two is common, but if these are showing up consistently you may want to seek out a Pest Control program. While these creepers (They are the creepiest looking pest we encounter regularly, especially the House Centipede) are not typically harmful to you or your home…they will certainly make you shudder and run for the nearest vacuum/magazine/anything to end this disturbing invasion. While we would love your business and to solve your pest issues, we also want to help however we can. Below is a sort of guide to help you along in the process of finding a pest control service that is right for you.


We Hear You

Youneed someone that listens to you and identifies every issue possible. That knows to ask the right questions and document your concerns. Not only do we want to solve your current problem with your pest, but we also want to solve and prevent your issues with any other potential nuisance.



You need a thorough inspection from ‘Top to Bottom, Inside and Out’. For most home and property owners, it is impossible to be aware of everything that is going on all the time. So WE are your eyes and ears, from creepy crawlspaces to ominous attics! We travel where you would rather not to get the ‘big picture’.


The Plan

Afterward, you need a plan. To understand what exactly is going on, why it is happening, what can be done about it and most importantly, how to prevent any such issue in the future. Clear communication as to what results can be delivered and when to expect them.


The Treatment

Finally, you need your problems solved effectively and efficiently. We use every tool at our disposal to ensure this. This means not relying only on our chemical products but also using traps, repellents, bait, habitat modification, and exclusion recommendations.

Commonly searched terms: House Centipede, Centipede infestation, household centipede


WhenThe sims 4 expansion packs. it comes to household pest control the usual options people have to choose between are Monthly, Bi-Monthly (Once every other month), and Quarterly (Once every three months) service intervals. Monthly is the most expensive program providing the greatest of control, with the cost and effectiveness being reduced with the Bi-Monthly and Quarterly choices. However, there is another option that we specialize in that is the best when it comes to balancing effectiveness and cost and that is our Bi-Annual Pest Control Service.

With our Bi-Annual Pest Control Service, we have had to study extensively and train ourselves with the longest-lasting non-repellent, most effective and most expensive products on the market. The way we balance that cost is with the need to only stop by twice a year to reassess and reapply our products. This saves you, and us, a lot of time and money due to the reduced need for extra visits and the lifespan and effectiveness of our products that we use.

Centipedes & Millipedes thrive in moist environments. While most homes are too dry to sustain them, most basements are more humid than the rest of your home…and that can be an issue. Running a dehumidifier can really help, and while the House Centipede can still survive in the dry indoor environment, high humidity can cause plenty of other issues. Most pests enter your home either seeking shelter from the weather (heat, cold, rain, etc) or by wandering in search of sustenance. In addition, there is still the issue of how they entered your home and the population outside that needs to be addressed, so they will stop entering and expiring.