
Cranked Up Cardio

.' Your body adapts to exercise over time, which causes your metabolism to fall into a lull,' says Geoff Bagshaw, group fitness manager at the Equinox fitness club in Miami. 'Adding variety to your workouts will help you break through plateaus so you continue to see results.' .Intensity matters too: Exercising harder promotes the growth of lean muscle, which burns more calories during and after your workout, says Craig Ballantyne, owner of TurbulenceTraining.com. City island.

The three strength-training techniques on these pages will inject a powerful double shot of variety and intensity into your usual routine. Replace one of your regular workouts each week with one of these training methods and watch those extra pounds melt away.Contrast trainingThis technique involves doing a resistance exercise with weights, and then immediately following it with an explosive body-weight exercise that works the same muscle group. 'In contrast training, the movement pattern of the second exercise should always mimic the first one,' says sports performance specialist Barry Lovelace, owner of FitQuest Fitness in Allentown, Pennsylvania. In other words, chest presses should be followed by explosive pushups, or dumbbell squats followed by squat jumps. Fat-trimming trick: Busting out an explosive move after a strength move trains your body to recruit more muscle fibers.

The Cranked Up Cardio® visited our friend Tom Rodgers of the Fox45 morning news yet another hilarious segment! Tom has certainly been practicing his Crank moves since the first time we aired with. Or to put it simply, cardio cranked up those size gains. The researchers also said that for aerobic exercise to be effective for building muscle you’ll need to hit a required effort. Their magic number for growth seems to be between 70-80% HRR, which you could see as high intensity.

Researchers at the University of California at Santa Cruz found that this type of workout (also called concurrent training) increases lean muscle mass while it decreases body-fat percentage.Try it: Hold a 10-to 20-pound dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, and lower into a squat (as if you're sitting into a chair) for five to 10 reps. Then ditch the dumbbells and do five to 10 jump squats: Lower into a squat, then push through your heels to jump off the ground; land softly and immediately lower into another rep.


Rest for one to three minutes, then repeat the sequence, working your way up to five or six sets.Pyramid trainingYou'll do three or more sets of the same exercise, starting with light resistance and high reps, then increasing the weight and decreasing the reps with each set. A full workout of pyramid sets can be tough (and time consuming), so start by working one upper-body and one lower-body exercise into the end of your workout, says Ballantyne. This way, you won't exhaust the key muscle groups you need to complete your regular routine. Splash NewsRates of women who are opting for preventive mastectomies, such as Angeline Jolie, have increased by an estimated 50 percent in recent years, experts say.

In fact, the loss of GTA IV just means a dozen AAA games are coming instead of a baker's dozen. Ace combat 6 xbox 360. That is not the case this year. This glorious wealth of promising titles means gamers have a lot of options from now until the end of the year.

But many doctors are puzzled because the operation doesn't carry a 100 percent guarantee, it's major surgery - and women have other options, from a once-a-day pill to careful monitoring.Fat-trimming trick: Unlike other intense workouts that build strength, this technique emphasizes muscular endurance (the rate at which your body can continually produce force), which can increase your fat-burning rate.Try it: Holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides, step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your right knee is bent 90 degrees. Return to standing, and continue for a total of 15 reps. Repeat with the left leg, then rest for 20 seconds before doing the second set: 10 to 12 reps, using a slightly heavier weight. Rest, then increase the weight again and do six to eight reps.Tabata methodFast-and-furious intervals—20 seconds of all-out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest—are repeated a total of eight times (for a grand total of four minutes). Researchers at McMaster University in Ontario found that exercising as hard as you can for short periods of time is as effective at improving muscle and metabolism as sweating it out longer at a lower intensity.Fat-trimming trick: All-out effort keeps your heart rate zipping for the entire workout (even during the rests) and for hours after you kick off your sneakers. The end result?

You burn extra calories.Try it: Bagshaw suggests this three-move sequence: Starting with exercise one, do as many reps as you can with proper form in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then continue for a total of eight intervals. Rest for two minutes, then go to exercise two and do eight intervals. Take another two-minute breather, then do eight intervals of exercise three.1. Lunges with biceps curls: Holding dumbbells at your sides, step back and lower into a lunge, curling the weights up to your shoulders. Stand and repeat, alternating legs.2. Squats with overhead presses: Hold dumbbells at shoulder height and lower into a squat.

Press the dumbbells directly overhead as you stand.3. Pushups: From a pushup position (or modified pushup position, with your knees on the ground), bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor.© 2012 Rodale Inc. All rights reserved.

What cardio machine helps you in an hour—other than a or? If you guessed the, gold star for you. That's why rowing machine workouts made a major comeback in the cardio world, says Deirdre Clute, former instructor at in New York City. “Everyone wants to use a rowing machine because not only do you reduce the risk of injury because it’s low-impact, but it’s also a great mix of strength and cardio endurance,” she says.

“You can constantly challenge yourself and always have room to push a little more.”For those of you still wondering: But is a rowing machine a good workout. In a word, yes! But don't take my word for it. The rowing machine workout benefits speak for themselves. 'Each stroke is building strength in your legs, core, back and arms,” says Clute. “The harder you push, the greater the resistance, and the better your workout is going to be.' The push she's talking about is level of effort.

Rowing isn't about speed, but rather control and power, she says. Think: strong, steady, consistent strokes for the long haul, as opposed to all out effort for just a little while.But before you hop on a rowing machine, it’s important to know how to navigate the machine. Here are some lingo to know that'll likely come up in a basic rowing machine workout.Basic Rowing Machine Terms To KnowERG: Indoor rowers can also be called ergometers, or ERGs for short, because the act of rowing is erging. #themoreyouknow.Stroke: The actual act of rowing. When done properly, each stroke can be broken down into three sections, says Clute. Here's a quick breakdown of proper rowing form:. Lean forward and grab handle with both hands; knees should be bent close to chest and body positioned at 11 o' clock, as in slightly leaned forward and not perpendicular to your seat.

Drive through heels to push legs back, keeping torso back and arms straight. As you extend legs to straight, open up chest, keeping core contracted, leaning backward to 1 o' clock. Pull arms toward chest, using back to help carry the momentum and strength through the end of the stroke. Then reverse the movement to return to start, extending arms straight and leaning chest forward before bending the knees back into chest.