
Keep Craft Alive Youtube

The music world continues to find ways to reach its fans at home. Two that Blues Beat has found helpful in keeping entertainment alive are FaceBook and YouTube. Watching today’s activities from around the United States, or watching some past concerts eases the pain of missing live shows.With the glow of hope, musicians continue to plan for future dates or are using technology to present their shows, virtually.The 12th annual LAUNCH Music Conference has been rescheduled for July 23-July 26 due to the pandemic. It is scheduled for historic downtown Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Conference and festival organizers set these new dates with both an abundance of caution, and with an abundance of hope.

Aug 15, 2019  In this Minecraft game play we are challenged with keeping dad alive. He is a beginner noob at playing mine craft which makes it fun for Jake to tease him. Dad tries playing minecraft!

Artists scheduled to appear: JP Soars, Alastair Greene, Josh Garrett, Jeff McCarty, Eric McFadden, Damon Fowler, and Eric Johanson. The artists, hand-picked by Benoit, will rotate their live shows from Tab’s Facebook page showcasing the extraordinary musicians on his label. Will the multi-Grammy® nominated Benoit himself make a live appearance via social media eventually, as well? You’ll have to stayed tuned in to find out. Find him at and follow the links to his shows.WWOZ 90.7 FM sent out a very special announcement from New Orleans. In hopes of lifting people’s spirits. Pull out your festival shirts, hats, flags, chairs and get ready to celebrate the best of New Orleans music from your backyard, your front porch or your air-conditioned living room-anywhere in the world!

WWOZ will broadcast for 8 days-8 hours each 11am-7pm, the same days and hours as the originally-scheduled Jazz Fest, April 23-26 and April 30-May 3. Find more at. Beth Hart has made a heartwarming video, “No Place Like Home:” It unites fans around the world.

Watch the video at:. Beth Hart fans have always been a community and on the singer’s new video for “No Place Like Home” they have come together to show acts of love and happiness.From Blues Music Online: The April 2020 Digital Edition, in case you missed it, can be found at:.

This second link goes to the download of the CD sampler and we all need the music in these difficult times:.The 13th Annual Blues Blast Music Award Submissions are open until May 15. Recordings released from May 1-31 are eligible.

Kingyo: Most of my dislike for her comes from her goldfish. She is just a nightmare to kill early on and she forces me into tight corners that I am not well versed in dealing with, especially since I do not know that I will face her WHILE selecting my shikigami for the match. It is a spell that always gets me killed, which is actually only MINOR in compared to the next issue. Vampira: I absolutely hate having to deal with Vampira when she is my opponent. Mushishi onmyoji.